Team Work

Team work play a vital role in helping others succeed in their respective tasks. Because there are numerous task the fashion industry requires to be complete, it become necessary to help team members work together.

Passion for progress

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." – Steve Jobs

Our multinational imaginative design teams, with their extensive market exposure and drive for inspiration and innovation, bring new dimensions to apparel sourcing. Our clients benefit from individual design concepts, practical industry specific ranges, speed to market products, and cost effective options with the emphasis on yarn composition, fabrics, trims, wash treatments & surface ornamentation. The desire to create never stops, whether it is in our hi tech Mac studios, sampling and development units or on global journeys to explore trade fairs, visiting customers in their locations and researching trends.

"A penny saved is a dollar earned" . – Benjamin Franklin

We combine extensive local and country specific knowledge, our vast sourcing network and large purchasing power across the zxy group to negotiate the very best prices. Our merchandising and sourcing teams bring all of their ideas and expertise to each and every item. At the micro level we maximise savings for each component in the supply chain (yarn, fabrics, trims, productivity, output, packaging) to minimise the cost of the final product.
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